10 interesting things about prospective corp members"

The National Youth Service Corp(N.Y.S.C) was established to foster national integration and peace among the diverse ethnic groups in Nigeria. This noble cause to a large extent has been successful but i believe that the institution needs to upgrade its structure, operation and vision. Prospective Corp Members are the next Otondo probably waiting in-line to be mobilized and they're always feeling the pressure like O'God let's this day come as quick as possible because they feel like experiencing the Camp environment... The feelings that encompasses been the next Otondo do filters so many questions in the minds of Prospective Corp Members ranging from how the experience is going to look like, kits to impress, thinking about how to meet new people and stuffs like that.. These are the 10 interesting things about prospective corp members; 1. The foremost interesting thing about Prospective Corp Members is that they will wish to be addressed as Otondos till they final...