The Whistleblowing Policy by Ministry Of Finance was introduced in Dec 2016. As at the end of Feb 2017 it had led to the recovery of $160m & N8b.

The Whistleblowing Policy by Ministry Of Finance was introduced in Dec 2016. As at the end of Feb 2017 it had led to the recovery of $160m & N8b.

Since they've launched the Policy and the Whistleblowing channels, they've so far received a total of 282 Tips.

These tips comprising:

49 received through Phone Calls,

87 received through SMS,

95 received through the Website,


51 received by E-mail.

The Reward Scheme for Successful Whistleblowers is as follows:

1. Any whistle-blower whose information leads to the recovery of up to 1 billion Naira will receive 5% of the amount.

2. The reward for any amount between 1 and 5 billion Naira will be 5% for the first 1 billion Naira and 4% of the remaining 4 billion Naira.

3. Any amount over 5 billion Naira will attract a 2.5% reward on the portion exceeding 5 billion Naira. This is in addition to what has been laid out in (1) and (2) for the first 5 billion Naira.


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