Interesting Facts About Carrots

*As much as rabbits love eating carrots, they shouldn’t eat too much; a rabbit eating one carrot equals a human eating over 20! Rabbits like the sweetness and carrots are good for their teeth yet do not have white sugar. Still, even too many natural sugars will cause digestive problems and diabetes. The green carrot tops would do them much good though. Humans would benefit from the tops too but we’re not likely to eat them.

*There are over 100 species of carrots. Some are big. Some are small and they come in a variety of colours including: orange, purple, white, yellow, and red.

*The longest carrot ever was over 5 metres long.

*In the 1600’s, English women often wore carrot leaves in their hats instead of flowers.

*Carrots are the second most popular type of vegetable after potatoes.

*The vegetable got its name from the Greek word “Karoton”.

*Scientists’ estimation says that by 2015 carrots will be the new fuel of the future with 6,000 carrots used up per mile.

*Carrots were originally used for medicine. At the time, carrots were mostly purple.

*Not only do they result in non-existent bowel-movements, carrots also give a great deal of energy. Three whole carrots provide enough energy to walk three miles.


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