Superstitions That Are Still Believed In This Modern Age

There are many superstitions which are believed in various places in the world. Although in this modern age most of them have been discarded, some places still believe these superstitions as real. I've taken some time to compile a long of them. Some of them are quite funny and ridiculous, but I must warn that some of them can actually raise the hairs at the back of your neck. So enjoy:
1. If you tell a bad dream before breakfast it will
come true.
2. If you hear an owl or a dog howling in the middle of the night, it is a sign of a death in the community.
3. If your nose starts itching, company is coming.
4. If bread is turned around a wound, and if it is given to a dog before morning the wound will heal.
5. If you whistle before breakfast, you will cry
before dusk.
6. It is said that if you say something 40 times
it will come true.
7. You will have good luck if you see a stray cat and you give it a home.
8. If a bird flies into a house it is a sign there will be a death in the family in the near future.
9. Cats and dogs will not go into a room where there are spirits and ghosts present.
10. A way to tell if the husband or wife is the boss
of the family is to look at their toes. Look at the toe
next to the big one. If that toe is longer than the big
toe on one, that one will be the boss.
11. A child should not be left alone, if it becomes necessary then a broom should be put beside the child.
12. It is forbidden to jump over a child, otherwise the child remains short.
13. The clothes of a child should not be left outside till sunset or it causes the child to be bewitched.
14. The first hair cut from a boy put in the pocket of the father is believed that it will increase fortune.
15. A woman should not store food during her monthly period. Anything she stores will spoil.
16. One should not whistle at nights, for the person who whistles is calling the devil.
17. If a woman wears high heels while she is pregnant the baby will be born cross-eyed.
18. A pregnant woman should never look at a snake, it will "mark" the baby.
19. It's bad luck to pick up a coin if it's tails side is up. Good luck comes if it's heads up.
20. If the names of girls are written under the shoe of a bride; it is believed that the girl whose name did not erase off after the ceremony will marry next.
21. A cricket in the house brings good luck.
22. It is believed that anybody who could pass under the rainbow would change his/her sex.
23. It's bad luck to put a hat on a bed.
24. You must get out of bed on the same side that you get in or you will have bad luck.
25. If someone is sweeping the floor and sweeps over your feet, you'll never get married.
26. Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child.
27. If you get a chill up your back or goosebumps, it means that someone is walking over your grave.
28. It's bad luck to leave a house through a different door than the one used to come into it.
29. If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death.
30. If your right ear itches, someone is speaking well of you.
31. If your left ear itches, someone is speaking ill of you.
32. It is bad luck to kill a spider at night.
33. If the bottom of your right foot itches, you are going to take a trip.
34. It is bad luck to cut your fingernails at night.
35. It brings bad luck for a flag to touch the ground.
36. To drop a fork means a man is coming to visit.
37. If the palm of your right hand itches it means you will soon be getting money. If the palm of your left hand itches it means you will soon
be paying out money.
38. If girls eat something between two meals, their luck to find a husband becomes impossible.
39. When excrement of a bird falls on the head, it means that the person is lucky and will earn money.
40. A knife placed under the bed during childbirth will ease the pain of labor.
41. It is bad luck to close a pocket knife unless you were the one who opened it.
42. It is bad luck to walk under a ladder.
43. It is bad luck to kill a ladybug.
44. To break a mirror means 7 years bad luck.
45. Bad luck will follow the spilling of salt unless a pinch is thrown over the left shoulder into the face of the devil waiting there.
46. The devil can enter your body when you sneeze. Having someone say, "God bless you," drives the devil away.
47. All wishes on shooting stars come true.
"Star light, star bright
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight."
48. It's bad luck to open an umbrella inside the house, especially if you put it over your head.
49. When a baby is kissed under its foot, it is believed to walk early, when kissed on lips, to speak early, when kissed on back of the neck, to be obstinate.
50. It is believed that if a scissors remains open in a home, a fight will start.
51. Anybody who cracks the joints of his/her fingers invites the devil.
52. Hair should not be thrown to the streets as it may entangle in a leg of
chicken, so you may have headache continuously.
53. Mirrors in a house with a corpse should be covered or the person who sees himself will die next.
54. Slippers and shoes being upside down are not good.
55. It is bad luck to walk on a grave in a cemetery.
56. To make it rain, kill a snake and turn it belly up.
57. Eating honey on the day of a funeral of someone you know will keep their spirit tied to the earth.
58. If you don't put a candle or lamp in the front window after the death in the family their spirit will return to their home.
59. Don't place the foot of your bed facing the door, it means death.
60. If you are having nightmares, put a bible under your pillow when you sleep, and your nightmares will go away.
61. Wherever the umbilical cord of a baby is thrown, it is said that baby would choose that profession exercised in that place. Therefore, it is suggested to throw it on top of tiles for getting higher ranks at its profession.
62. To stop bleeding, say a specific verse in the bible . Some people still swear by this method. "TheBible verse to stop bleeding is Ezekiel 16:6
Paraphrase --- Though I see you awash (drowning) in your own blood, I say to you live."
63. If you first see the new moon in clouds, someone in your family will get sick.
64. If a person raises his right leg at the time of taking oath, then his oath becomes unacceptable and not binding.
65. When you comb your hair, you must not let a bird steal a strand for its nest or you will have continuous headaches.
66. It is said that anybody who sleeps in bed stretching out widely will earn too much money, on the contrary anybody who sleeps in bed by
shrinking will have less revenue.
67. Covering mirrors in the house of the deceased usually with black cloth so that the next person to see himself in the mirror would not be the next to
68. It was bad luck for pregnant women to attend funerals.
69. Taking the corpse from the house feet first in the belief that if the head of the deceased faced backward he might influence another member of the family to follow him in death.
70. Stopping clocks in the house of the deceased to prevent bad luck for the living.
71. Closing the eyes of the deceased so that he may not choose someone to accompany him to the


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